Bristol Theatre News

Amendments: A Play On Words Alma Tavern Bristol

Comedy drama amendments: A Play On Words, opens at the Alma Tavern Theatre next week.

Bristol writer Matt Roberts and director Tom Stabb are behind the show, which explores what’s described as ‘the diminishment and arguments of language within the workplace…’

Set in an office, the drama springs from company manager Kenneth, reprimanding colleague John, over harassment.

The audience are left to ask themselves is this censorship overshadowing common sense? Or are we protecting vulnerable people?

“We believe in producing thoughtful and funny theatre that’s both topical and relevant to our audience,” writer Matt Roberts says.

“Our aim is to encourage debate and exploration thought a variety of topics, in this case the use of language and political correctness.  As a writer I love to lead our people in one direction and turn that on its head at an hinge point in the show which may leave them to question both theirs and other attitudes in quite a probing way”

Director Tom Stabb adds: “ What we do is always based in humour and there is nothing we like more than seeing our audiences leave the show having been thoroughly entertained but also debating with their friends about what they have just seen over a pint afterwards! And this is exactly what we saw previously with our audiences for Amendments.  We can’t wait for more people to join the discussion”.

amendments: A Play On Words will be at the Alma Tavern from 22-24 June 2023

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