Bristol Theatre Reviews

Bristol Musical Theatre Performs Made In Dagenham This Week

Were it not for the love and determination of local theatre groups, many audiences would not get the chance to see big West End musicals at all.

This is certainly true for Made In Dagenham, which Bristol Musical Theatre embraced wholeheartedly last night. It’s unlikely to go on tour after its fairly short run in the West End so this is an excellent chance to see a decent staging of the show.

The frustrating inequity between the rights of men and women, a lack of equal pay and the restrictive gender roles which still pervade today, make this an eye-opening show. Even though it was a famous tipping point in history, the disparaging way women were belittled by men for simply for not being men – despite being the backbone of family life, still hits hard. Although we’ve come a long way as a society rectifying equality since then, the fight is still not over.

Bristol Musical Theatre rises to the challenge of bringing the balance of friendship, family, activism and politics to the stage of the Redgrave Theatre. There is fine ensemble work amongst the group of women. The company also excels at the big group numbers.

The principle cast also delights. Rita O’Grady rules the end of the show with her TUC speech. And also kudos to O’Grady and Scott Allen for managing to bring genuine feeling to their temporary separation – when really, you want Rita to chase his character off stage with a placard and file for divorce.

Made in Dagenham is on at the Redgrave Theatre in Bristol until Saturday 22 April

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