Bristol Theatre News

Bristol Unicornfest Comes To An End – Here’s The Unicorns On Location around Bristol

As the Bristol Unicornfest trail comes to an end, we’ve put together a video of 57 out of the 60 unicorns we found in and around Bristol.

The three we missed out on were not easily accessible on public transport. But, there is a chance to see any of the ones you missed in a Farewell Festival coming to Propyard this month.

A total of 57 out of 60 unicorns we found in and around the city on the Bristol Unicornfest this summer

The Bristol Unicornfest has been a brilliant way of bringing art to life on a public art trail. The unicorns will be auctioned off for charity Leukaemia Care.

Dozens of artists created a wide variety of designs and artwork on the unicorns. In the build up to the trail, unicorns could be seen being transformed from their blank canvases in an empty store on the top floor of The Galleries in Bristol.

The same store was later transformed into a magical unicorn themed roller skating arena at weekends throughout the summer.

unicornfest Bristol 2023

An artist works on a unicorn in an empty store on the top floor of The Galleries in Broadmead, Bristol

The final auctioning of the unicorns will take place on the 05 October, with bidding registration now open. The opening price for full size unicorns is listed as £2,800 with the foals starting at £500.

The Farewell Festival takes place on 23 and 24 September 2023, with tickets available here:
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