Bristol Theatre Reviews

Christmas Lights at Longleat Safari Park 2021 Review

Christmas doesn’t feel like it’s really started until you’ve had a decent evening out with some top quality festive lighting. If the local high street or shopping centre isn’t cutting it this year, there’s always regional offerings of light events with varying degrees of quality.

A last minute booking to Longleat Safari Park through Bakers Dolphin, turned out to be an unexpected hit. The tourist attraction had a full range of festive fun on offer in addition to the usual safari park attraction.

You can’t beat a decent light installation in the winter months, and Longleat has this in abundance. Their fabulous Christmas as Longleat event sees the house and grounds turned into a wonderland of colour, light and music.

It’s a well-organised and impressive display on a scale which exceeded my expectations.

The main event starts at 4.30pm with Christmas tree light show. However, the lighting other than the main displays comes on from around 4pm, giving you a chance to have a good look around before it becomes too busy.

We weren’t planning to review this trip hence the ShakeyCam footage and questionable photos, but thought it was so good, it was worth talking about.

For more information about the event, visit:

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