Bristol Theatre News

Clowns: The eggs-hibition Bristol Museum and Art Gallery

Clown Exhibition Bristol Museum:

Bristol Museum and Art Gallery, is celebrating 250 of circus with an exhibition all about clowns.

The event is running until 06 January 2019 and features a collection of beautifully painted Clown Eggs from Clowns International and the London Clown Gallery-Museum.

Clown International has been painting the faces of its members on eggs for over 70 years to help preserve each clown’s individual identity.

The exhibition features props, costumes, video and photographs from the world of circus.

There is also a section filled with clown costumes, juggling balls and plates for people to dress up, spin and officially act the clown.

This event is definitely worth a visit and we all had great fun dressing as clowns and spinning plates. When do you usually get that chance in a museum? We went at 2.30pm in the afternoon and found it blissfully quiet.

For more information, visit:

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