Bristol Theatre News

Drag Queen Story Time Colston Hall Foyer May 2018

DQST will be taking part in Bristol’s Mayfest this year. They will be appearing at two events, one at the Colston Hall Foyer and one at Arnolfini.

The event is aimed at children aged 3-11 years with their families. DQST launched at Bristol Pride 2017. It was inspired by the Drag Queen Story Hour in the US, and has been going from strength to strength in Bristol.

At Mayfest, Drag Queen Story Time will be performed by International drag star Alyssa Van Delle. Expect family friendly quick wit, stories, singing in a diverse and gender fluid environment.

Colston Hall Foyer
Running time 60 mins
Free with suggested donation
Age guidance 3-11
Sunday 13 May 2018 2:00pm

Sunday 20 May at 2pm

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