Feel Me by The Paper Birds at Tobacco Factory Theatres
The brand new show will be at the South Bristol theatre this spring
It’s very rare to be told to use a mobile phone during live performance. But, this brand new interactive theatre show from The Paper Birds hopes audiences will get involved by feeding back about what they see as the show unfolds.
Feel Me uses film, projection, dance and music to explore what makes us feel for another person. Exploring themes of the refugee experience, we journey through landscapes, across borders, through storms and endless queues. Paper Birds asks Who do we care about? How do we react to what we are told through stories in the digital world?
The Paper Birds are known for devising productions using verbatim theatre. This is a type of factual or documentary theatre which uses the real words of real people and real communities to tell stories on stage.
Throughout the performance, audiences will be invited to feedback live about how they feel regarding aspects of the storytelling in front of them. The data will be anonymised and go on to inform academics from Essex University studying the impact of theatre on audiences and how it affects empathy levels.
The show has been created following four years of research and development by the theatre company. It has been supported by Padepokan Seni Bagong Kussudiardja and The Point Eastleigh. It’s also been co-produced by New Wolsey Theatre and made in partnership with Theatre Centre.
Feel Me will be at Tobacco Factory Theatres from 30 April – 01 May 2024
For more information or to book, visit: https://tobaccofactorytheatres.com/shows/feel-me/
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