Bristol Theatre News

Flashdance Bristol – The Musical is Coming to The Bristol Hippodrome This Summer

Flashdance Bristol: It’s not long until jazz dance 80’s nostalgia show Flashdance – The Musical plays at The Bristol Hippodrome.

Leg warmers are at the ready for Joanne Clifton and Ben Adams who will be performing as Alex and Nick.

The show is currently on an extensive UK tour and will be calling in at Bristol from Monday 25 – Saturday 30 June 2018.

“This is just another dream come true,” Joanne Clifton says.

“I think everyone in the world whether dancer or non-dancer, as soon as they hear ‘What a Feeling’, remember that iconic scene at the end of the film and I’m so incredibly lucky that I get to do that every night in a UK TOUR along with fabulous numbers like “She’s a Maniac.” I’m over the moon! It’s another amazing opportunity in my musical theatre career and I can once again sing and act alongside dancing!’!’


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