John Barrowman Fabulous St David’s Hall Cardiff July 2019
John Barrowman Fabulous:
St David’s Hall Cardiff, Tuesday 02 July 2019
When John Barrowman announced his Fabulous tour earlier in the year, fans jumped to buy tickets. Such was his popularity that St David’s Hall in Cardiff quickly announced a second date.
Fabulous was as dynamic as the star’s audience on the night. It was obvious by the make up of the audience that different people had come along to celebrate different facets of his thirty year career. There were the musical theatre fans, Doctor Who and Torchwood Fans, the I’m a Celebrity Fans, movie fans and just general John Barrowman fans.
Barrowman managed to make the entire audience feel like an extended part of his family, as he chatted through anecdotes, stories, photos and performed songs. In the second act, he was joined on stage by his parents and husband Scott Gill, both of whom joined him in song.
It was a masterful piece of light entertainment hosted by a musical theatre megastar. It quite warmed the cockles of your heart and all to expertly performed toe-tapping tunes.
For more information about John Barrowman, visit: