Bristol Theatre News

Pick Your Own Fairytale Bristol Improv Theatre

Bristol families will be able to immerse themselves in an interactive theatre show allowing the audience to pick the storylines for improvised fairytales.

Bristol Improv Theatre will be bringing children’s stories to life as directed by the children watching them, making each show a totally unique experience.

The 45 minute shows will run at 11 am every Sunday in August – 05, 12, 19 and 26.

Expect songs, slapstick, humour and a story based entirely on your ideas.

A team of actors and children’s entertainers from across Bristol bring the stories to life and includes performers from Closer Each Day: The Improvised Soap Opera, Mr Gotalot’s Gotalot Shop and This Is Your Musical.

The shows will take place at Bristol Improv Theatre’s 115 studio theatre home in Clifton.

For more information or to book, visit:

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