Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Tobacco Factory Theatres
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Tobacco Factory Theatres:
It’s one month to go until Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? opens at Tobacco Factory Theatres.
The co-production between the theatre and Wiltshire Creative of Edward Albee’s play is directed by David Mercatali with design by Anisha Fields.
Two professors and their wives living the American Dream. Following an innocent invitation after a college campus party, the paper-thin illusion that all is well starts to peel away as George and Martha realise they have a captive audience for their toxic domestic games. As dawn approaches, there is only one way this party can end. And whether they like it or not, everyone must play their part.
“This is one of the greatest plays ever written, a riveting combination of manipulative games and painful conflict,” David says. “It thrills as much now as when written. We’ve assembled a stellar cast to perform it, and I can’t wait to get to work with them.”
The show is on at the theatre from 19 February until 21 March 2020. It will run at approximately 3 hours – including an interval – with an age recommendation of 14 years upwards due to ‘strong language and adult themes.’
For more information, or to book, visit: tobaccofactorytheatres.com