Coming to The Weston Studio of Bristol is …blackbird hour.
Eshe hasn’t left the flat.
Loved-ones keep reaching out: blowing up her phone and showing up at her front door. They say they’re going to “save” her. She’s not saying anything back.
Until, in the dark early hours, surrounded by half-eaten food, dirty washing and a damn good playlist, she focuses on the letter in front of her.
…blackbird hour is a visceral and moving exploration of a queer Black woman’s call to arms for loving oneself when love has made itself scarce.
Danielle Kassaraté
Ivan Oyik
Olivia Nakintu
Evlyne Oyedokun
Written by babirye bukilwa
Directed by malakaï sargeant
Lighting Designer – Jahmiko Marshall
Sound Designer and Composer – Mwen
Video Designer – Will Monks
Designer – Khadija Raza
Producer – Vital Xposure