Bristol Theatre Reviews

Annie Bristol Hippodrome

Annie The Musical Bristol Hippodrome:

One of the advantages of having children in part time education is that we get to squeeze more theatre in by taking advantage of Wednesday matinee performances.

That’s what we were doing on the afternoon of 20 March 2019, catching an afternoon performance of Anne at The Bristol Hippodrome.

We’d missed the actual press night performance due to illness, but my children were still quite keen to still see it.

I was hoping to be able to quietly snooze at the back of the box whilst they were entertained. What I wasn’t expecting was to be quite so taken with this fresh take on the classic musical. It’s a show we all know so well, although some might not be aware that the original stage show varies from the much-loved eighties movie.

This production boasted a fabulous cast and felt energised and upbeat with enough mild peril, tension and cheerful ending.

This is one of those productions that due to exceptional choreography you really notice the ensemble. The dance routines were captivating, filling the stage. And, it was fun to see Sandy the dog intermittently sent for a run across the stage.

For more information about the tour, visit:

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