Bristol Theatre News

Harry Lloyd Talks Through Acting Process for Doctor Who Episodes

From ‘posh little twerp’ to one of Doctor Who’s creepiest ever monsters, Harry Lloyd’s incredible acting made two-parter Human Nature and Family of Blood some of Series 3’s stand-out episodes.

In October, he spoke to fans at Film and Comic Con Cardiff, about the acting choices he made to bring alive Jeremy Baines and Son of Mine.

Harry Lloyd at Film and Comic Con Cardiff

Lloyd told the audience: “He’s a military cadet in 1912. He’s a posh little twerp basically. But then an alien who’s all powerful and very evil takes over his body.

“I think the reason I got the part is ’cause I wanted something about his face, you know those kind of really posh stupid people who kind of talk out the side of their mouth – blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

“So I wanted him to have a little bit of that and to be a guy that is not scary at all and is a bit stupid and zero threat. And have that same face but then suddenly to do something with the eyes and allow it to be super scary.

Scene from the end of Human Nature

“So I think Russell, we kind of went with that. And then all of the kind of slight twitchy movements, it was all about – that episode is all about smell. They’re looking for the Doctor and they can kind of smell him. So we got into this kind of bird like, me and the rest of the other three guys playing the Family… It’s not like you’re hearing him or you can see him, you’re suddenly smelling him. So all that kind of bird like, kind of twitchy head bits we all were doing. And the idea that none of them quite fit their bodies to begin with. So it’s a build up of the twitchiness, the smelling, the locked jaw kind of thing.

“I also – which I slightly regret now ’cause it was a nightmare – I didn’t want him to blink. ’cause I thought he doesn’t really need to blink in the same way because he’s using his body differently. So Jeremy would blink by Son of Mine wouldn’t.

“So just all these little kind of bits I guess contributed to a pretty strange individual.”

We went on a trip to St Fagan’s earlier in the year to check out some of the filming locations for Human Nature and Family of Blood. You can see them in our video below.


We went to St Fagans National Museum of History this week, to check out some of the Doctor Who filming locations used in Human Nature and family of Blood. St Fagans is also a reallt lovely day out #doctorwho #doctorwhotiktok #familyofblood #humannature #stfagans #stfagansnationalmuseumofhistory #davidtennant #tenthdoctor #doctorwhofilming #filminglocations #filming #wales

♬ My Angel Put the Devil in Me – Murray Gold
Filming locations for Human Nature and Family of Blood, which featured actor Harry Lloyd

For more information about St Fagan’s, visit:

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