Bristol Theatre News

It’s the Economy, Stupid! Comes to Tobacco Factory Theatres

Sell-out Fringe show comes to south Bristol theatre

Joe Sellman-Leava, creator of the fantastic shows Labels and Fanboy, returns to Tobacco Factory Theatres, with a brand new show.

This time he’s teaming up with Dylan Howells on a quest to uncover how the economy wins elections and asks – why is it so complicated?

The pair will be calculating how their lives have been shaped by the economies they grew up in – with a set up that includes boxes, bags and an old board game.

Joe Sellman-Leava is a master at creating entertaining shows that are entertaining, amusing and chock full of salient points.

The team-up with Dylan Howells has been garnering great reviews from this year’s Edinburgh Fringe.

The show is produced by Worklight Theatre and developed with Katharina Reinthaller

It’s the Economy, Stupid! will be at Tobacco Factory Theatres on 17-18 September 2024.

For more information or to book, visit:
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